Who should attend? : Our academic conferences give opportunity to academics, practitioners, consultants, scholars, researchers and policy makers with different backgrounds and experiences, to present their papers in the conference and to discuss their experiences, new ideas, research results, as well as any practical challenges encountered and/or the solutions adopted during their work.
Conference committee highly encourages doctorate (PhD) and postgraduate students to present their research proposal, or literature review, or findings, or issues in this conference with a very special registration fees. Case studies, abstracts of research in progress, as well as full research papers will be considered for the conference program for presentation purposes.
Theme 1: Business & Economics (Banking & Finance, Business Ethics, Economics, Management, E-Commerce, Marketing, Business, Human Resources)
Theme 2: Interdisciplinary Studies 1 (Communications and Media, Film Studies, Creativity, Culture)
Theme 3: Interdisciplinary Studies 2 (Gender Studies, Tourism, Children & Youth, HIV/AIDS, Leadership, Public Policy, Peace Studies, Human Rights, Women’s Studies, Security)
Theme 4: Development Studies (Sustainable Development, Urban Studies, Disaster Management, Globalization, Poverty, Globalization)
Theme 5: Information Technology for Business, Sustainable Business and environment,
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